
[Liaoyuan Tianying] The leaders of Liaoyuan Municipal economic breakthrough office

        In the morning of 19 Oct 2012, Chen Hongze, the director of Liaoyuan Municipal Policy Research Office, Xin Yankai, the deputy director and Qi Changjiang, the vice director of Liaoyuan municipal economic breakthrough office and other leaders, visited Liaoyuan MSW incineration power generation project of the construction site for inspection and investigation.
         At the site, general manager of the company Pan Zhengqiu introduced, the project is completed, annual electricity output of 114, 3 million kWh, and it could satisfy 136 thousand households living electricity. The project already realized the whole Liaoyuan MSW in reduction, resources, harmless treatment. The project is in the construction stage of waste bunker.
         According to the actual conditions and climate conditions and the long construction period of this project, the effective construction time is less than seven month in North China, municipal government will make efforts to provide the service for the project of MSW incineration, hope Liaoyuan Tianying to play professional advantages for Liaoyuan, make new contributions for the transformation and spanning development of Liaoyuan. (Liaoyuan Tianying Liu Daoerji)

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