
Gravity Energy Storage


Gravity energy storage technology, a new form of mechanical energy storage, converts various forms of energy such as wind and solar energy into gravitational potential energy for storage, which is then converted back into electricity when needed. To charge a gravity energy storage system (GESS), the motor is powered to lift up mobile blocks to a certain height for potential energy storage; to discharge, the system releases the blocks to drive the generator for power generation. Throughout such processes, automatic operation is realized via AI algorithms to store and supply energy according to the demand of the grid or users. GESS can regulate the instantaneous balance of grid power, boost the utilization efficiency of renewable energy resources, improve the quality of electricity, and enhance the reliability of electricity supply. It plays significant role in capturing random, fluctuating and intermittent wind and solar resources, and realizing the on-demand dispatch of renewable energy.

Modular design
The modular design of GESS allows for greater scalability by stacking 10 MWh-based energy storage units, to reach GWh storage scales.
Flexible deployment
GESS has no special requirements on terrain or geological conditions, nor is its operation impacted by temperature or meteorological circumstances, thus making even mountainous areas with high temperatures and heavy rainfall or deserted areas covered with snow and ice potential sites for GESS facilities. For each MWh of energy storage, its covered floor area is less than 150 square meters, which further reduces with its scalability.
Intelligent system control
The intelligent software platform that integrates computer control and machine vision is able to ensure that tens of thousands of blocks be placed in exact positions without human fine-tuning and move orderly along established paths, so as to optimize the discharging efficiency and guarantee safety. Managed by the control center, GESS automatically responds to market signals and daytime/night, and adjusts the movement strategy of blocks accordingly. The trajectory calculation ensures stable output and power matching with the grid demand, with accuracy to seconds for various mechanical parts.
Resource recovery of bulk solid waste
Blocks, the storage medium for GESS, are made from a variety of waste materials for the purpose of recycling, such as construction waste, mine tailings, and decommissioned wind turbine blades. Thus, it is capable of recovering substantial solid waste, while localized supply chains make projects safer, more stable, more sustainable, and less carbon intensive.
High energy conversion efficiency
The synchronous motor-generator set employed in GESS can provide moment of inertia response for the power system, thus preventing sudden changes in grid frequency without delay, and securing the frequency stability. Its round-trip efficiency can exceed 85%, with lower life-cycle levelized costs due to a service life of 50 years or more, making it unmatched by electro-chemical storage.
Qualifications and Honors
“100MWh Gravity Energy Storage Equipment” was listed in the third batch of the First-of-its-kind (Set) of Major Technical Equipment in the Energy Sector issued by the National Energy Administration
“Rudong 100MWh Gravity Energy Storage Project” was recognized as the Pilot Demo Project for New Forms of Energy Storage by the National Energy Administration
“New Zero-Carbon Modular Gravity Energy Storage” Innovation Technology was listed among the Top 10 Zero-Carbon China Innovative Technologies for 2022 by the China Investment Association
“New Zero-Carbon Modular Gravity Energy Storage Technology” was recognized as the Zero-Carbon Technology Solution for Zero-Carbon China 2023 by the China Investment Association
“Rudong 100MWh Gravity Energy Storage Project Demo Park” was recognized as the “Zero-Carbon Park” Standard Pilot by the China Investment Association
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