
Hazardous Waste Disposal

Safe disposal of hazardous waste

We provide tailored system optimization solutions for different categories of hazardous waste. With plasma technology, we can ensure the safe, effective and standardized treatment of hazardous waste.

Our R&D team consists of highly innovative and entrepreneurial talent and an advisory team of international academicians and well-known professors. Most of our R&D team members have doctoral degrees or master degrees from renowned universities. We have set up a plasma laboratory (8000m2) and a supporting analytical testing center, enabling numerical simulation, laboratory analysis, mechanism testing, small-scale testing and pilot testing as well as engineering demonstration.

Plasma Technology


The technology includes melting, gasification and pyrolysis, and can treat waste including hazardous slag, waste catalysts, medical waste, low and medium radioactive waste, and domestic waste.

Plasma Technology

The cutting-edge plasma technology can be applied to treat various types of waste with almost no emissions, which makes it the game changer in environmental protection technologies. It can decompose waste through a thermal equilibrium plasma of up to 10000K and achieve the significant reduction of waste in a harmless way. The glass and flammable gas generated as byproducts can also be recycled.

We have a strong plasma team that is committed to digging deep into this disruptive technology. The team has developed melting, pyrolysis, gasification and enhanced incineration technologies for the treatment of unconventional waste, including low radioactive nuclear waste, medical waste, hazardous waste, and persistent organic pollutants. Through the implementation of demonstration projects, the team has made breakthroughs in core technology and products over which we own intellectual property rights.

Plasma technology has the advantages of complete harmlessness, high volume-reduction rate and resource recyclability in waste disposal: it destroys dioxin while stocking toxic and harmful heavy metals in glass, which can be used as raw materials for making bricks and laying roadbeds.

Plasma Melting

Plasma Melting

This technology is mainly applicable for treating inorganic materials: fly ash from waste-to-energy plants, bottom residue from hazardous waste incineration, low level radioactive waste and other inorganic hazardous waste.

Fly Ash Plasma Melting Technology

To effectively tackle the end-treatment bottleneck of MSW incineration and drive the technology advancement of fly ash pollution control, China Tianying has actively developed the plasma melting technology that uses high temperature plasmas to completely destroy persistent toxic organics such as dioxins and furans in the fly ash. In addition to achieving a completely harmless disposal, the process generates a vitrified glassy matter which can be used as construction material for roads and buildings. The flue gas can be separated and prepared to produce industrial salts, closing the loop of fly ash treatment and resource recovery.

This technology can effectively help resolve issues related to the limited storage capacity of landfills or sanitary landfills in developed areas.

Plasma Gasification and Melting

Plasma Gasification

This technology is mainly applicable for treating phenyl-based organic pollutants: solid waste with significant fluctuations in calorific value, medical waste with high PVC (affecting chlorine content) content, industrial solid and liquid hazardous waste with high MACHs content.

Medical Waste Plasma Gasification and Melting Technology

We have independently developed the plasma gasification and melting process, covering medical waste transfer and sterilisation, plasma gasification and melting, flue gas purification and wastewater treatment. The flue gas emission reaches the EU standard (EU Industrial Emission Directive 2010-75-EC), and the glassy matter formed by ash residue is reused for other purposes. The core equipment, such as plasma torch and melting furnace, are self-manufactured with world-leading configuration and performance. Our high-power plasma torch, adjustable between 50-300kW, can satisfy treatment needs of various scales.

In 2020, the technology passed the technical evaluation of a 9-member expert panel chaired by the Hai'an People's Government and headed by Mr. Li Yinghong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with a conclusive decision that the technology process is reasonable and feasible, reaching international advanced level, and can be applied to the treatment of medical waste larger than 10t/d. The emission of pollutants meets both China GB18484 and EU 2010 standards; organic wastes containing chlorine are treated with very low level of dioxin emission.

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