
[Qidong Tianying] Qidong TY Environmental Protection Energy co., ltd of Jiangsu TY passed

        On 20 Oct 2012, the experts from State Dept of housing and urban construction visited Qidong TY Environmental Protection Energy co., ltd, to investigate the evaluation at MSW incineration power generation project for a period of two days of harmless rating. Since July 7, 2012 the company passed through the rating examination provincial housing department after acceptance inspection, accept evaluation inspection by State Dept of housing and urban construction again.

        Ba Liang, the head of the experts team and his fellows listened to work reports, inspect the scene and access to account data, a comprehensive evaluation from aspects of construction, operation and management, engineering, the provincial assessment level etc... The expert group fully affirmed the company's construction and operation management level, gave a high evaluation of the work of the company. The expert group to review, that the company has three features: one is through continuous reform and innovation, a garden style factory has begun to take shape; two is through technical innovation and continuous investment, the stench has basic governance standards; three is the garbage discharge platform standardization management and environmental management at the national advanced level. The expert group that will be our garbage platform management experience as a demonstration project to recommend to the national counterparts.

        During the inspection process, the experts team also provides guidance on operation and management company in the future, required to insist further standardize the management the future management work, improve the accounting data collection, strengthen equipment maintenance work, continue to explore new way to "three wastes" treatment. At the same time, should focus the work; improve the level of operation management, management in the same industry norms to blaze a new trail, set a good example for the public.

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