
The conference of completion acceptance was successfully convened for Lianjiang MSW

         In March 14, 2014, Lianjiang MSW incineration power project completion acceptance conference was held in Lianjiang. The department of housing and urban rural development of Fujian province, provincial Economic and Information Committee, provincial Energy Regulatory Office, provincial electronic power company, provincial Administration of Work Safety, Fuzhou municipal NDRC, municipal Economic Committee, municipal environmental protection bureau, municipal Electric Power Bureau, municipal Administration of Work Safety, there are 58 deputies from Lianjiang country people's government and relative authorities participated  the conference, Cao Debiao (the company CEO) attended the meeting and gave a speech.
         After hear reports from project commission unit, supervision unit, construction and unit operating situation reports from operation unit by the adjudicators, all the deputies agreed that Lianjiang MSW incineration power generation project completed all the approval procedures as provincial, municipal major project. The project is leading in the industry from process, equipments to operation and management in Fujian province. The project won high affirmation and reorganization from the deputies on the daily management of the project on environmental protection facilities and related emissions targets tracking monitoring etc. In the meeting, Lianjiang MSW incineration power generation project has been approved for the final completion acceptance.
         The conference of completion acceptance was successfully convened,also marked that the commission and construction of Lianjiang MSW incineration power generation was completed already, and formally transferred to the business operation.



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