
Xiji Awarded Sanitary County in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Aided by Xiji Tianying

Recently, Xiji County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was selected as a sanitary county of the Region for the first time (2023-2025).

Since the start of the campaign, works have been carried out including upgrading roads and old districts; improving heating, water supply, drainage and sewage pipelines; building new foot bridges, public car parks, temporary car parks, mobile public toilets and waste transfer stations; ensuring 24/7 cleaning, daily collection and transportation of waste, 98% street lights are working; 295 administrative villages in the county should form a sustainable mechanism where waste are sorted in household, collected by village, transported by township and treated by county.

Since 2021, upgrading neighbourhood environment and applying for sanitary county have been accelerated. Xiji Tianying has taken the initiative to cooperate with relevant departments to crack down on township landfills, remove illegal buildings, clean up deserted construction waste, and clean street corners and landfill areas. In addition, Xiji Tianying has increased the number of waste collection and transfer at night, extended cleaning time, and increased the frequency of washing and dry cleaning.

In 2022, Xiji County accelerated the campaign in response to higher requirements for sanitation work put forward by relevant government departments at all levels. To do so, Xiji Tianying increased the operating shifts from 6 to 10 pm, extended the working hours in public toilets and transfer stations, especially around school districts and major roads, significantly improving the quality of service.

By doing so, Xiji Tianying has vigorously carried out sanitation and cleaning work, greatly improved public living environment and quality of life.


Xiji Tianying staff Working a Night Shift

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