
Jiangsu Tianying Environmental Protection Energy Complete Equipment Co.; Ltd.Awarded National Green Factory

On February 9, the State Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the public list of green manufacturing for 2022, and Jiangsu Tianying Environmental Protection Energy Complete Equipment Co.; Ltd. was successfully selected as a national green factory.


The company is committed to multi-product design. The grate furnace incinerates domestic waste to produce green electricity, with ultra-low flue gas emissions. The generated slag is put to comprehensive use, the fly ash is resourced through plasma melting technology, and the leachate is disposed of to achieve zero discharge.

A low-carbon model is adopted throughout the entire production and sales chain of domestic waste incinerators. The production is mainly based on CFD simulations and pilot tests to optimise the product structure, equipped with robots etc. to improve the automation and intelligence of processing and manufacturing, reduce the consumption of raw materials and improve the combustion efficiency, waste heat utilisation efficiency and flue gas purification efficiency of the incinerator discharge system.


In order to reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy, the company has taken the lead in piloting the use of photovoltaic panels and wind energy for self-sustainable power generation for the street lights in the factory, effectively reducing energy consumption; and using the 26,135 square metres of unused roofs in the factory to install 5,742 550Wp monocrystalline silicon battery modules, with an annual average power generation of about 3,259,500kW-h, which can save about 1,271.22 tons of standard coal per year.


In order to manage energy procurement, transformation and consumption in a scientific and standardised manner, the company also has an energy management centre to visualise energy management work. The energy online monitoring system, based on energy monitoring levels for energy consumption data collection and energy monitoring, can keep track of energy consumption and support scientific and flexible adjustment of energy saving and consumption reduction plans, and continuously improve the level of energy saving in practice.


As the next step, the company will continue to increase its investment in energy conservation and environmental protection, continuously promote the company's low-carbon green development, and contribute to helping China achieve the goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality".

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