
CNTY and CCID Held Seminar for Ambassadors in China of the New Industrial Revolution Partnership Network

On March 7, 2023, China Tianying and the China Centre for Information Industry Development (CCID) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) jointly held a seminar for Chinese ambassadors of the New Industrial Revolution Partnership Network under the framework of the Global Development Initiative (GDI) at the Beijing office of China Tianying. Xu Chengzhi, Vice President of China Tianying, and Zhang Xiaoyan, Vice President of CCID, presided over the meeting. Liu Chunyang, Director of Foreign Affairs of China Tianying, and Pan Wen, Director of CCID, attended the meeting with a total of 17 participants. Representatives from the embassies of Indonesia, Senegal, Moldova, Maldives, Brunei, Russia and the Philippines attended the meeting.

Vice President Xu Chengzhi expressed his welcome to the visit of CCID and the diplomatic missions in China, and emphasized that China Tianying has always adhered to the internationalization strategy and is committed to actively participating in various international exchanges and cooperation through green economy and public diplomacy, and hopes to continue to deepen the cooperation with CCID and the diplomatic missions in China in the future.

President Zhang Xiaoyan briefly introduced the positioning and significance of the New Industrial Revolution Partnership Network  under the framework of the Global Development Initiative (GDI). She said that the network is an important effort to implement the global development initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping and promote the construction of the New Industrial Revolution Partnership, and was commissioned by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and organised and implemented by the CCID.

Through the seminar, China Tianying Beijing office established a friendly cooperation with the CCID. President Zhang Xiaoyan thanked China Tianying for its great assistance to the seminar and invited China Tianying to attend the GDI New Industrial Revolution Partnership Seminar and Launching Ceremony to be held in Xiamen in April to continue discussing the potential cooperation between the two sides.


Xu Chengzhi at the seminar


attendants of the seminar

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