
China Tianying Supports Shanghai Jiaotong University in the Fight Against COVID-19

"Under the pandemic, managing 30 tons of waste every day on the 5000 mu campus, the sanitation workers of Shanghai Jiaotong University all share a common dream of overcoming the COVID as soon as possible and restoring normalcy to the lives of the university."

--from the Shanghai Jiaotong University Academic News website (news.sjtu.edu.cn)

On March 8, Shanghai Jiaotong University was informed that there were faculty and students identified as close and sub-close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases, and the university responded quickly to initiate work related to the prevention and control of the outbreak.

During the outbreak, the cleaning and waste collection work of the campus was a top priority. To ensure the timely removal of the potentially contaminated waste generated by 30,000 teachers and students on the 5,000-mu campus and hundreds of buildings, 35 sanitation and cleaning staff and 2 supervisors from China Tianying serving the campus were fully engaged in the waste management work. When the University was under quarantine and supplies were in short supply, two batches of aid from China Tianying were delivered on March 12 and 15 respectively. At the same time, the company dispatched experienced personnel from its subsidiaries to assist in the fight against the pandemic, guarding the campus and protecting the faculty and students.

In this spring's battle against the pandemic, the story that China Tianying's staff went in harm’s way to help fight the COVID was reported by China Securities Journal, Tencent News and other media. When one party is in trouble, all parties will rally to support.  With the full efforts of the staff of China Tianying, the campus of Jiaotong University will overcome the pandemic soon and welcome a beautiful spring.


China Tianying's aid arriving at the campus

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