
Shanghai Zhiying Shortlisted as the 1st Group of Science and Technology SMEs of Shanghai in 2022

On March 7, the Science and Technology SME Service website released the "Announcement of the 1st group of Science and Technology SMEs to be included in Shanghai 2022", among which was Shanghai Zhiying Robotics Co., Ltd, China Tianying’s AI subsidiary committed to leading the technological revolution in the environmental protection field.

The 2022 Government Work Report proposes to strengthen the tax incentive policy for R&D expenses of Science and Technology SMEs, and to increase the percentage of tax incentive deduction for science and technology-based SMEs from 75% to 100%. Other favourable policies for Science and Technology SMEs include: (1) innovation vouchers for paying service providers online to purchase relevant professional services. Each company can use up to RMB 300,000 per year and each team can use up to RMB 100,000 per year. (2) when applying for performance guarantee insurance loans such as technology performance loans and microloans, the premium and interest subsidies can be applied after repaying the loan in full and on time.

This is the first time that the company has been awarded a government qualification, which has laid a good foundation for Shanghai Zhiying’s application for government projects in the future.


The announcement

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