
China Tianying Passed Site Acceptance for Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory Review

In the afternoon of February 17, accompanied by relevant leaders of Nantong Science and Technology Bureau, three experts, including Professor Wang Hua from Nanjing University of Technology, visited China Tianying's headquarters to carry out on-site inspection for the evaluation of Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory. Cao Debiao, CEO of China Tianying, attended the inspection meeting.

After listening to the detailed introduction of China Tianying's key laboratory of solid waste resource recovery technology and equipment by Li Jun, Vice President of China Tianying, the visiting experts inspected the CNTY plasma technology laboratory and the pilot workshop of environmental protection equipment, and conducted on-site inspection and acceptance of the laboratory's construction, R&D investment and scientific research projects as well as providing professional guidance.

Cao Debiao said that CNTY’s building of the provincial key laboratory is to cater to the needs of the national strategic needs of environmental protection. The lab focuses on the key technologies and equipment for solid waste resource recovery, continuously carries out cutting-edge applied basic research, and break foreign monopoly of plasma torch, intelligent sorting equipment and other cutting-throat technologies so as to support Jiangsu Province to build a world-competitive energy-saving and environmental protection industry cluster.


CNTY plasma technology lab

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