
Tianying College's First Internal Trainer Cultivating Program Officially Launched

To facilitate our talent cultivation strategy, tap the potential of talents at all levels and in all key positions, and realize the transition from "individual value creation" to "organizational value creation", on March 30, 2022, the Organization and Personnel Department of China Tianying launched Tianying College's first internal trainer cultivating program, or the "Ying Kindling Initiative".

The kick-off meeting was attended by Cao Debiao, President of CNTY, all members of the internal trainer cultivating program, 31 internal trainer candidates and the main directors from their companies.

There were four items on the agenda of the meeting. The first item was the introduction of the overview and significance of the internal trainer training program by Zhao Yalan, General Manager of the Organization and Personnel Department. The second item was the introduction of the curriculum of the program by Cheng Lin, the project manager from a smart enterprise training company. During the following agenda, Han Ying, a candidate representative, said that participating in the program would help improve their working skills and she was looking forward to further contributing to the internal drive of the enterprise. Finally, President Cao gave important instructions on the training program.

President Cao put forward "three hopes": that all candidates can use this opportunity to improve skills and become disseminators of knowledge in respective business lines; that the project implementation team can hold themselves to high standards and ensure the realization of the project goals; that the Organization and Personnel Department can do a good job in organizing a sustainable project with full coverage, specialties and levels.

Finally, President Cao pointed out that the project is a basis for CNTY's high-quality development and its goal to become a renowned enterprise with a history of over 100 years. He wished the "Ying Kindling Initiative" a complete success.


The Invitation Letter

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