
Yan Shengjun, Chairman of China Tianying, Awarded the "Zhang Jian Cup" Outstanding Entrepreneur Award

On May 23rd, Nantong Municipal Government of Jiangsu Province held the city's private economic development conference, and Yan Shengjun, Chairman of China Tianying, won the "Zhang Jian Cup" Outstanding Entrepreneur Award

Chairman Yan Shengjun has been practicing the entrepreneurial spirit of Zhang Jian, promoting enterprise development and actively fulfilling social responsibilities. He has led China Tianying to actively respond to the national call, stick to its main business, seize the opportunity of the development of the environmental protection industry, give full play to its advantages in both domestic and overseas markets, achieving high-quality sustainable development in the field of global urban environmental services and contributing to China's "carbon peak" by 2030 and "carbon neutral" by 2060.

This year's conference is of the highest profile in the history of Nantong. A total of 2 outstanding entrepreneurs, 11 outstanding businessmen and 100 outstanding private enterprises in Nantong were selected. Chairman Yan Shengjun, as the representative of the outstanding entrepreneurs, read out the initiative of "Carrying forward the entrepreneurial spirit of Zhang Jian and striving to be a model entrepreneur in the new era".


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