
The First "Song of the Workers" Waste-to-Energy Knowledge Competition was Successfully Held

In 2020, the most stringent environmental protection regulations in China's history were intensively introduced, and the government's online supervision and pollution prevention work were continuously strengthened. Against this background, Jiangsu Tianying Environmental Energy Co., Ltd. has taken various measures to improve its operation and management, ensuring the safe, environmentally friendly, efficient and stable operation of all project companies.

In order to further enhance the professional skills and knowledge of staff and strengthen their awareness of safety and environmental protection, on May 21, the company successfully held the first "Song of the Workers" professional knowledge competition for waste-to-energy power generation sector.

A total of 33 employees from the Company's 11 operating companies participated in the competition. The questions combined the practical experience and scientific knowledge of power plant operation and management over the years, covering five parts: boiler, steam engine, electrical, water treatment, safety and environmental protection.

Through the competition, Jiangsu Tianying hopes to help employees find blind spots and misunderstandings in their knowledge, guide them to strengthen the combination of theory and practice, and further improve their professionalism.

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