
UNEP China Organizes World Environment Day Event with Special Support from China Tianying

On June 2nd 2021, "Restore Our Earth", the event of World Environment Day 2021 was held at the United Nations Representative Office in Beijing, organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in China and specially supported by China Tianying. Representatives from the UN, the Chinese government, enterprises, NGOs and many media attended the event. China Tianying Beijing Office assisted in the organization of the event.

Mr. Siddharth Chatterjee, United Nations Resident Coordinator in China, delivered a video message. Mr. Liu Ning, Executive Deputy Director and Chief Negotiator of the COP15 Executive Committee Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, delivered a keynote speech. Mr. Tu Ruihe, Representative of the United Nations Environment Programme in China, delivered a welcome speech.

During the panel discussion on "Representatives of Enterprises and Social Groups", Xu Chengzhi, Vice President of China Tianying, introduced  China Tianying and the main achievements of its international work, and explained the concept of China Tianying in the field of environmental protection and the specific work done for the restoration of the earth. Under the leadership of Chairman Yan Shengjun, China Tianying has devoted a lot of efforts to restoring the global environment, and its people are dedicated in the front line of environmental protection, serving in all corners of the world, actively participating in environmental management, and making great contributions to restoring the earth and improving the environment.

Since 1974, June 5th has been designated as World Environment Day. Every year, governments, businesses and citizens join in the celebration and work together to address pressing environmental challenges.

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Mr. Tu Ruihe delivered a welcome speech

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"Restore Our Earth", the event of 2021 World Environment Day was held at the United Nations Representative Office in Beijing

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Xu Chengzhi introduced China Tianying and its main achievements

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