
China Tianying held 2014 annual knowledge contest of safety production

          In order to positively response the call of the 13th national safety month “Strengthen the consciousness of the red line, promote safety development", on 28 Jun China Tianying Inc held 2014 annual knowledge contest of safety production. The contest was sponsored by the company safety committee, the relevant leads of operation management dept., labor union committee, administrative management dept., country general labor union, country Work Safety Supervision Bureau, and labor union of high tech district came to watch the scene.
         The knowledge contest used the form of group answering, there three sessions of Required Question, Quick Response and Risk Question. The content included 500 pieces of common sense knowledge in terms of laws and safety regulations, traffic, fire protection, emergency rescue, occupation health, safety management and accident prevention. The contest inspected the knowledge level about safety knowledge at 24 players of 8 representative teams.
         In the contest, the players lined "u" shape, all the teams coordinated closely, answered the questions with clear thoughts, at required questions session they were equal in contest of strength, but widened the gap at the Quick Response session. 3 players of Liaoyuan Tianying team had well preparation in answering skills and the score is way ahead. At the risk question session, Haian Tianying players mustering the enthusiasm, continuous got 3 40 of the subject, once the score reached 290 points. Finally, Liaoyuan Tianying team won the championship at 300 points, Haian Tianying; NTTL team won the second prize. After the competition ended, County labor union vice chairman Tang Renhui made wonderful comments, the company leadership and guests together for the team presented the prizes.
         The safety knowledge contest held successfully, not only for the purpose of the popularization of the knowledge of production safety purposes, but also enhance the safety awareness of employees, to create a atmosphere of safety knowledge in everyone's heart, has played a positive role to promote the stable development of company safety and environmental protection.


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