
Deodorizing renovation project of Xiamen eastern waste incineration power plant has starte

       26 Jun 2014, deodorizing renovation project of Xiamen eastern waste incineration power plant constructed by the company has begun.
      The waste incineration power plant built by Xiamen Municipal Environmental Energy Investment Development Company Limited put into operation in January 2010, due to the damage of waste bunker air exhaust system and leakage of side wall, it made odor full in the main workshop, particularly serious in lift shaft and waste offloading zone, affecting working and living environment for the power plant staffs and nearby residents, so the construction company is very concerned about it, finally chose our company to upgrade the plant deodorizing system after various investigation.
      The project is composed of civil reconstruction and deodorizing equipment installation, the project team decided to fix impermeability of the bunker side walls  against the existing problems, replaced the air ventilation system of waste bunker and lift shaft, deodorized the odor in waste bunker with chemical cleaning deodorizing system. Malodorous odor was treated by acid and alkali chemical washing in the scrubber, after dehydration treatment, waste gas meets the standard of "emission standards for odor pollutants" (GB14554-93) table 2.
      As is known to all that reconstruction project is more complicated than the new project, currently it’s in hot summer with high temperature, the working environment is more hard. The project team made the scientific and advanced construction plan, the entire project will be completed at the end of August. 

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