
[Binzhou Tianying] Binzhou municipal solid waste incineration power generation project

        On 9th Aug 2012, Binzhou TY Environmental Protection Energy Co. Ltd. in Ji'nan for the preliminary design review meeting of Binzhou municipal solid waste incineration power generation project held by Shandong Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development organization. The meeting was attended Tongji University, Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Co., Ltd., Shandong Province Energy Building Design Institute, Everbright environmental energy (Ji'nan) 10 experts of limited company, Shandong Provincial Department of land and resources, Shandong Province Electric Power Group Corporation, Shandong Construction Engineering Quality Supervision Station, Binzhou city housing and urban and Rural Construction Bureau, Binzhou City Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, Binzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Binzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Binzhou City Center for disease control, China light industry Guangzhou Design Co. Ltd, Binzhou Tianying etc more than 30 representatives.

       During the meeting, the participating experts and representatives listened to the preparation of preliminary design documents of the project Chinese light industry Guangzhou Design Co. ltd.. And into the garbage disposal, thermal and electrical control group, general layout, construction, chemical water and coal group, the project budget group three group had serious discussions on the preliminary design documents.

       Many optimization design of proposed amendments and suggestions the experts and representatives, and be sure to design. Binzhou Company will organize personnel in the design units based on the spirit of the meeting to amend, supplement, improve preliminary design documents, to report as soon as possible, in order to achieve an early reply. (Binzhou Tianying Cao Mingzhu)

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