
[NTTL] NTTL passed through environmental protection product certification

        In the morning of August 17th, China Environmental Protection Industry Association team of six specialists came to our company (NTTL), the product of environmental certification company declaration of factory quality assurance capability review. Check on the basis of CCAEPI-GK-305-2009 "environmental protection product certification factory quality assurance capability requirements", involves 10 aspects, 24 quality factors; examination of the main products for the grate furnace and two humidification agent synthesis reaction tower acid reaction inside and outside circulation from MSW incineration. Based on the on-site check and asked, documents examination, the final confirmation: the company has established a perfect quality management system, to control the quality of the products accorded with the "environmental protection product" CAEPI-GK-305 "certification factory quality assurance capability requirements. Certification passed finally. (Nantong sky blue Gao Yujuan)

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