
[Fuzhou Tianying] Lianjiang project turbine generator units completed cylinder lock.

        At 10:00 of 10 Sep 2012, with a string of firecrackers sounded the Lianjiang project, construction time again an important step forward has milepost sense. Through the joint efforts of all staff, turbine long awaited finally ushered in the lock cylinder moment.
         The success of the cylinder steam turbine buckle marked the completion of an important node construction project in Lianjiang. We are a item company staff will take this as an opportunity, make persistent efforts, continue to work hard, to jointly promote the Lianjiang project construction, and strive to put into operation, a force for the social development of Lianjiang, the economic construction and ecological environment protection to contribute our Tianying people. (Fuzhou Tianying Wu Honglin)

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