
[Fuzhou Tianying] Fuzhou Tianying attaches great importance to the environmental

        In order to ensure that the environmental protection measures proposed by the environmental impact report, take goals of construction project environmental protection implementation, to prevent environmental pollution and ecological destruction, to meet the requirements of environmental protection acceptance of construction. Fuzhou Tianying environmental energy limited seriously organizes implement the environmental supervision.
         1、The construction preparation stage
         1) Be familiar with the project EIA report and other relevant environmental laws, regulations, standards and norms, through training of environmental supervision personnel, construction environment, and familiar with the investigation of environmental sensitive points and protection objectives within the supervision section.
         2) Check the status of implementation in the design and construction scheme verify "the EIA report" and its approval, the implementation of environmental protection measures and requirements verification of construction drawings and design documents and construction scheme.
         3) Inspect construction work preparation, the implementation of environmental protection clauses in construction organization design, on the environmental content of the lack of construction organization requirements supplement.
         4) Site inspection to confirm the construction units selected construction camp, road construction, materials, mixing station yard, the temporary spoil (slag) field such as the temporary land.
         2、The construction phase
         1) Focus on environmental supervision, strengthen the construction process supervision, inspection, monitoring and control of the project is simple, standard, specification of environmental protection, supervision and construction activities of the construction unit, the environmental protection measures have been implemented, the construction noise, dust, waste water during construction of the pollution and meet environmental protection requirements.
         2) Pay attention to environmental protection engineering supervision, supervision according to undertake a comprehensive review of the project EIA report and the approval of environmental protection engineering situation.
         Through the implementation of the environmental supervision measures and organization, Fuzhou Tianying environmental energy limited effects of environmental protection work in the construction phase of excellence, laid a solid foundation for the project is completed and put into operation of environmental protection facilities compliance operation, item company nuanced environmental control work has also been highly affirmed the company leaders.

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