
[Liaoyuan Tianying] The environmental protection verification report (Jilin province)

        At 13:30pm September 26, Jiangsu TY Environmental Protection Energy environmental protection verification report (Jilin province report) review meeting was successfully held in Changchun City Education hotel conference room on the third floor. Jilin Province Environmental Protection Bureau leadership, invited experts judges, Liaoyuan City Environmental Protection Bureau leadership, the Northeast Electric Power Institute report designer and Liaoyuan Tianying and other related personnel to participate in the meeting.
         The meeting chaired by Mr. Zhai the director of Jilin provincial department of environmental protection, mainly for the Liaoyuan municipal solid waste incineration power generation projects listed the verification of environmental protection assessment, the experts after discussion, agreed that the project has good social benefit, environmental benefit and economic benefit, is a good environmental protection projects, and many valuable suggestions on the report. The report has been revised and improved, waiting for review and approval. (Liaoyuan Tianying Zou Yuehong)

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