
Labor union of Jiangsu Tianying organized the activities of “celebration of the Mid

        In order to enrich the lives of employees in style, and celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival of 2012, National Day arrival, in September 26, 2012, Jiangsu Tianying Environmental Protection Energy Limited Co., Ltd trade union organizations held a "celebration of the Mid Autumn Festival, National Day" tug of war game, Guandan game. Union president Cao Yungui on behalf of the company leadership in his speech, and wish this contest was held successfully, and wishes to enhance their collective sense of honor and cohesion through this activity, give full play to the team cooperation, the spirit of tenacious struggle, to promote the work of the company to actively carry out.

       The tug of war competition held in the morning, departments, subsidiaries consist of the 5 team. At 9:00 o'clock, with the crisp sound of the whistle, the start of the game, to prepare for the men and women, who had, by one hand and pull back, feet pedal, hemp rope stretch tight straight, red back and forth movement. The cheerleaders were also not resigned to playing second fiddle, cheering sound deafen the ear with its roar, spot atmosphere is extremely nervous, enthusiastic. After fierce competition for more than 1 hour, the NTTL company team win the tournament champion.

        IN the Afternoon Guandan game, there are total of 16 players, setting up first prize1 , two prize 1, three prize 2. The game is once-off elimination game, within the specified time to upgrade faster promotion, competition intense, exciting. After more than three hours of the race, NTTL players again won the game.

      The labor union chairman Cao Yungui presented the prizes for the winners, and encouraged them to continue to play to their talent, drive the other employees to participate actively in the activities of the trade unions. The game successfully, encouraged, inspiring morale, hearten spirit, cohesion, fully demonstrated the good spirit TY people unity, courage and enterprising spirit.

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