
Suqian Yinghuan Passed on Positive Energy with Honest Actions

It takes the efforts from all of us to build a civilized city. Zhang Yecai, a district chief from Suqian Yinghuan Environmental Services, passed on the positive energy with his recent honest behavior.

While patrolling the operation area at around 10 a.m. on March 12, Zhang Yecai found a handbag lying on the sidewalk at the intersection of Hongzehu Road and Hanjiang Road. Considering it as being discarded, he picked it up and was about to throw it into the waste bin, only to see a real estate certificate, ID card, deposit book, and RMB 1,500 cash in it. Surprised with the unexpected money, Zhang Yecai searched the bag carefully just to find the owner's contact information, without any second selfish thought. Finally, on a Resident Gas Ignition Service Sheet, he found the info and contacted the owner immediately. All the rest was waiting for the owner in place.

The owner Mr. Wang rushed here in 15 minutes, "After realizing the bag was lost, I felt terrible. Money was only part of the reason. Just thinking about re-applying for such documents as the real estate certificate and ID card is really nerve-racking." Zhang Yecai's call was a giant relief to Mr. Wang, who was quite impressed by Zhang's honest and selfless behavior.

In that evening, Mr. Wang presented a banner with eight Chinese characters meaning "Honesty and Virtue" to Zhang Yecai, to express his sincere gratitude.

Zhang Yecai, a long-time employee of Suqian Yinghuan and Excellent Team Leader for two consecutive years, has been working diligently and honestly. He said, "Returning things to their rightful owners is something that any Yinghuan member should and will do!" Indeed, this case is not an exception. Since the beginning of this year, there have been five cases of Suqian Yinghuan workers returning lost documents, invoices, cell phones, or ID cards. They are passing on the positive energy with their actions!

General Manager of Suqian Yinghuan Shi Pengcheng stated that, "integrity" has always been the primary criterion during the company's employment and operation. In addition, every act of kindness should not be ignored. Those sanitation workers who observe honesty and high moral standards deserve praises and recognition, to spread goodwill and acts of love more widely .

Never give up any good deed, however small it may be. Every small act of kindness is strong enough to light up the civilization of a city. These ordinary actions reflect China's traditional virtue of honesty, and the good moral character of sanitation workers in the new era.


Zhang Yecai and the owner

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