
Hai'an Urban Management Bureau Inspected the Dongtai Yinghuan Property Management Project

On March 27, leaders from the Hai'an Government, including the Government Office Deputy Director Yang Guangjun, Urban Management Bureau Party Secretary and Director Xu Xiangfa, Deputy Director Shen Weixing, and Party Member and Deputy Director Chu Pengfei, accompanied by CNTY Vice President Hua Haiyan and Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Yinghuan Urban Environmental Services Zhang Zongbin, visited the Dongtai Yinghuan Property Management Project to carry out inspections on the sanitation of back streets and property management of rural resettlement housing. 

Guided by Director Xue Ruidong from the Dongtai Property Management Office, the inspection group inspected the sanitation and fire safety status of the back streets and buildings in randomly selected communities including Dongguan Community, Ernvqiao Community, and Dongba Community. The results of clean and tidy alleys and dust-free staircase handrails received high praises from the inspection group. During the insight sharing after the visit, Director Yang raised requirements for the sanitation work in Hai'an's back streets and alleys, expecting that Jiangsu Yinghuan would introduce the property management experience learned from the Dongtai Property Management Project to Hai'an, so as to advance the sanitation quality in Hai'an to a higher level.

Carrying on the positive and efficient working principle, Dongtai Yinghuan will continuously make new contributions to building a beautiful Dongtai!


After-visit Meeting

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