
Hanoi Mayor Tran Sy Thanh Met with CNTY Chairman Yan Shengjun

On the morning of May 27, Tran Sy Thanh, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee and Mayor of Hanoi, met with CNTY Chairman Yan Shengjun and his delegation. The two sides exchanged views on CNTY's Hanoi Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Project and the deepening of future cooperation. Relevant leaders from the General Office of the Hanoi Municipal Government, Department of Environmental Protection and Foreign Affairs Office, and CNTY leaders including Board Director, Vice President and CFO Tu Haihong, Vice President and General Manager of the Vietnam Division Li Aijun, and Vice General Manager of the Vietnam Division Nguyen Thi Hong Yun attended the meeting.


Mayor Tran Sy Thanh first expressed his warm welcome to Chairman Yan's delegation to Hanoi, and then highly affirmed CNTY's contributions to the economic and social development of Hanoi. He noted CNTY's Hanoi Project as a model case of successful investment made by Chinese enterprises in Vietnam, helping Hanoi to address the municipal waste issue. He hoped that CNTY would further expand its investment in Hanoi's environmental protection and new energy sectors, and stated that relevant Hanoi departments would give full support to deepen the bilateral cooperation based on the already established mutual trust.


Chairman Yan lauded Hanoi's economic development, and expressed his gratitude to Mayor Tran Sy Thanh and the Hanoi Municipal Government for their support. With such support from all parties, CNTY's Hanoi project has been constructed to the highest standards and is operating with the highest quality, becoming a world benchmark for the WtE sector. CNTY stands ready to cooperate more widely and deeply with Hanoi in the fields of environmental protection and new energy, making its contributions to the green and sustainable development of Hanoi.


On the same day, Chairman Yan and his delegation also met with the President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations Phan Anh Son. The two sides discussed in-depth on such topics as continuously promoting CNTY's investment in Vietnam's environmental protection and new energy sectors, and making greater contributions to Vietnam's economic and social development, with a series of consensus reached.

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