
CNTY and VietinBank Head Office Signed a Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement

The signing ceremony for the comprehensive cooperation agreement between CNTY and the head office of the Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (VietinBank) took place on the afternoon of May 27, 2024. CNTY Board Director, Vice President and CFO Tu Haihong and VietinBank Deputy General Director Nguyen Tran Manh Trung signed the agreement on behalf of the two parties. Relevant leaders including CNTY Chairman Yan Shengjun, CNTY Vice President and General Manager of the Vietnam Division Li Aijun, and VietinBank Chairman Tran Minh Binh witnessed the signing.


The successful signing of this agreement indicates the all-round strategic cooperation between CNTY and VietinBank in Vietnam, backed by a full range of high-quality financial services provided by VietinBank. With this signing as a starting point, the two sides will leverage their respective advantages in business and financial capital, and pool their resources together around market development and brand promotion, with a view to developing a long-lasting and solid partnership.


Before signing the agreement, VietinBank Chairman Tran Minh Binh noted in his speech that he was deeply impressed by his visit to CNTY's headquarters in Hai’an in April this year. In particular, CNTY's business development strategy, top-notch technologies and equipment manufacturing capabilities have fully demonstrated CNTY's forward-looking strategy and competitive edge. As the largest commercial bank in Vietnam, VietinBank looks forward to widening this bilateral cooperation around such aspects as financial services and ESG.


CNTY Chairman Yan Shengjun highlighted CNTY's first-mover advantage in Vietnam's WtE sector. He stressed that upholding the philosophy of "True success lies in win-win cooperation", CNTY will join its advantageous resources with VietinBank's to deepen the all-round, full-scope and deep-level cooperation in terms of resource integration, ESG and market development for subsequent projects, so as to jointly boost the high-quality development of Vietnam's economy and society.

Partnering with VietinBank marks CNTY's active engagement in Vietnam's economic and social development and the wide support it has received from all sectors of the Vietnamese society. This cooperation is expected to enhance CNTY's business growth in Vietnam, and boost its competitive positioning in Southeast Asia.

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