
Suqian Tianying Attends New Year's Day Celebration Event with Qipao Performance

On the afternoon of 23 December 2023, Suyu District Urban Management Bureau "City Management Makes Life Better" New Year's Day celebration event was held in Yuquanshan Road Primary School.

Elegant and confident, there is more than one side of the sanitation workers. At the venue, sanitation workers from Suqian Tianying gave an excellent Qipao Performance which was wrote and directed all by themselves. Dressed in floral cheongsam, blue silk scarf between the arms, they walked and danced to a loving music, attracting rounds of applauds from the judges and the audience.

Mention of sanitation workers, the image that comes to mind is mostly dressed in orange uniforms, broom in hand, working through all corners of the city. In order to show the upward spirit of the sanitation workers and the ethos of Suqian Tianying, performers used their off-work time to practice the show, and made sure every detail from the planning, the lines, to formation and choreography were perfect.

Behind the 6-minute show, there were month-long practices. The show stood out by virtue of its unique theme and innovative performance, and won the second prize of the event. Officials of the Urban Management Bureau highly praised the performance and workers of Suqian Tianying.


Qipao Performance


General Manager of Suqian Tianying and the Performance Team

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