
China Tianying Rudong and Zhangye GESS Projects Listed as Demonstration Projects by the NEA

On 24th January, the National Energy Administration issued Announcement No. 1 of 2024, listing 56 projects as new energy storage demonstration projects. China Tianying Rudong 100MWh Gravity Energy Storage Project, and Zhangye 17MW/68MWh Gravity Energy Storage Project were listed among them.

With China's carbon goals and the transition towards a new power system, renewable energy development ushered in explosive growth. In order to solve the instability, intermittency and volatility of renewable energy, and to facilitate new energy power grid connection and consumption, the research and development of safe and efficient, green and low-carbon, highly economical new energy storage technology is urgently needed. Storage has become a key technology to promote the transition from fossil fuels to renewables and to promote the integration of renewable energy to the grid.

Recognized by NEA to be listed among demonstration projects, our Rudong and Zhangye GESS projects serve as an acknowledgement of CNTY's GESS technology to provide advanced, efficient, green, safe, stable and reliable energy storage solutions for the power market. This also reflects tangible and practical benefits in terms of innovating energy storage application scenarios, promoting industrial chain, and creating favourable environmental and social benefits.


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