
Rudong Tianying Eco-Energy Hosts Lecture on Legal Compliance in Environmental Protection

On the afternoon of 3 July 2023, Ma Yinxia, Director of the Fifth Inspection Department of Rudong County People's Procuratorate, and Wang Chijie, Procurator's Assistant, visited Rudong Tianying Eco-Energy to hold a lecture on Introduction to Public Interest Litigation and Tips on Risk Control of Legally Compliant Operation of Enterprises.

The lecture explained the importance of legal compliance, and illustrated on contract signing, risk prevention in criminal offence, risk warning in hazardous waste management and other aspects of business operation.

Assistant Wang Chijie introduced the dangers of wrong handling of solid waste and hazardous waste, and explained in detail the key points of solid waste/hazardous waste management, administrative liability risks, risk recommendations, risk resolution and exemption systems for enterprises, so as to help them do a better job in the treatment and disposal of solid waste and hazardous waste.


At the lecture

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