
China Tianying Won Consecutive Bids in Environmental Service

In recent weeks, China Tianying's environmental service business has won several successful bids, showcasing the company's intelligent, smart, and automated environmental service models that have gained extensive recognition in the market. This fully demonstrates the company's strong capabilities in the environmental services sector and brings together winning forces for further deepening the development of the entire industrial chain of sanitation.

On June 30, 2023, the Nantong Municipal Government Procurement Network released a notice announcing that China Tianying had won the bid for the long-term management and maintenance of rural environments in the Hai'an High-tech Zone of Nantong City, Jiangsu Province. The total bid amount was RMB 86,059,800.00, and the contract period is three years from the effective date of signing. The specific service content includes long-term management of rural environments for 41 administrative villages (communities) and seven old towns in the Hai'an High-tech Zone, including road (bridge) cleaning, river cleaning, household garbage collection and transportation, fixed-point garbage collection in resettlement communities, greenery management, operation of perishable garbage stations, transportation of perishable garbage in the surrounding area, and participation in village environmental improvement, among other services.

In the same month, China Tianying announced that it had won the bid for the market operation services procurement project for integrated urban sanitation, cleaning, and transportation in Pengyang County. The total bid amount was RMB 58,706,400.00, and the contract period is three years (renewable service). The specific services include road cleaning and sanitation, collection and transportation of household and kitchen waste in designated areas of Pengyang County, operation and management of public restrooms, garbage transfer stations, sanitation worker rest stations, and landfill sites, sanitation facility cleaning and maintenance, and other sanitation work.

China Tianying will take advantage of these new business opportunities to further implement the business purpose of "high-quality, fast-paced, cutting-edge technology, and excellent service", refine the high-quality experience of integrated sanitation and rural living environment improvement in its current business, promote standardized methods of application, use innovation and technology to achieve fine urban environmental governance, promote the widespread implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, and promote the high-quality development of overall urban and rural environmental services.


The company's mechanical cleaning team

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