
China Tianying Gravity Energy Storage Selected as one of the Top 10 "Zero Carbon China" Innovative Technologies in 2022

On November 8, 2022 (3rd) International Carbon Neutrality and Green Investment Conference and Zero Carbon China City Summit was held in Shanghai under the guidance of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, organized by China Investment Association (CIA), co-organized by Rocky Mountain Institute, and hosted by CIA Energy Investment Professional Committee (EIPC) and CIA Zero Carbon China Research Center. At the conference, Zhang Jie, Secretary General of the EIPC, announced the top ten "Zero Carbon China" innovative technologies in 2022, among which was the "New Zero Carbon Modular Gravity Energy Storage" declared by China Tianying.

China Tianying is a large international listed company engaged in zero-carbon environmental protection, new energy, smart city environmental services and recycling of renewable resources. The new zero-carbon modular gravity energy storage is an efficient mechanical energy storage technology based on artificial intelligence control, which is introduced into China by China Tianying and has been digested and reinvented. The technology can take the electricity emitted from various new energy sources such as wind and solar, lift the composite mobile masses to a predetermined height through an electric generator set, and convert the electrical energy into potential energy for storage; at the peak of electricity consumption, the blocks are lowered to drive the generator to generate electricity, which in turn converts the potential energy into electrical energy again. The whole energy conversion process is automatically controlled by artificial intelligence algorithm and its system, which can realize the whole automatic operation according to the demand of power grid or users.



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