
Beijing Foreign Studies University International Business School Visited China Tianying Beijing Office

On November 9, 2022, CNTY Beijing Office and International Business School (IBS) of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) jointly organized an Enterprise Visit and Practice activity. 28 IBS students visited CNTY’s Beijing Office and had an in-depth exchange with Xu Chengzhi, Vice President of CNTY and alumnus of BFSU.

The students were first introduced to a brief development history of CNTY, its business areas and future development. They watched a corporate brand video and learned about CNTY’s vision on environmental protection and new energy, its cutting-edge technologies and strong independent research and development strength.

In the exchange forum, Xu explained the importance of environmental protection and new energy to the development of human society while emphasizing the concept of "unity of knowledge and action", which means applying theoretical knowledge to real life scenarios. From the perspective of an alumnus, he also shared valuable insights on career selection and gave sincere replies to students asking for advice.

On 20 October 2021, CNTY signed a strategic cooperation memorandum with the IBS of BFSU, and CNTY was awarded as the Enterprise Practice Base of BFSU. The student visit is another cooperation between the two sides in talent training and integration of industry-university-research, which further enhances the influence of CNTY and the attractiveness of environmental protection to young talents.


Liu Chunyang, Director of Foreign Affairs introducing CNTY to students


Exchange forum

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