
Guarding the Chinese Red with Rudong Tianheng Blue

The wind of golden autumn ushered in the 73rd birthday of the country. In order to guarantee the neatness and orderliness of environmental hygiene in Rudong, Jiangsu Province, and create a comfortable, beautiful and peaceful festival environment for the people, Rudong Tianheng staff were all on duty during the holidays, interpreting the mission with practical actions!

Upgrading fine cleaning

During the National Day holiday, there was a surge in the flow of people and traffic. Rudong Tianheng implemented fine management, strengthening the cleaning of the main and secondary roads, bus stops and key areas around the county urban area, removing cigarette butts, chewing gum and pet faeces from green belts and pavement boards in a timely manner, increasing the number of clean-ups, reducing the time for rubbish to linger and achieving daily production and daily cleaning.

Strengthening mechanical operations

On the basis of manual operations, Rudong Tianheng strengthened mechanised operations on key road sections and key areas, combining water sprinklers, dust suppression vehicles, road sweepers and cleaners to suppress dust and clean the main and secondary roads, around construction sites, air quality monitoring points, polluted roads and other places within the county's urban area where needed.

Promote regular management

Rudong Tianheng insisted on combining environmental health improvement with the current key work. The river bank area is the new name card of Rudong, and in order to establish the characteristics of the coastal water township city, Rudong Tianheng carried out blitz cleaning to provide a good environment for the citizens on the National Day holiday.

Optimising quality and efficiency

During the National Holiday, the staff of the General Manager's Office of Rudong Tianheng were responsible for various lines of work according to their division of labour and went to work at full strength in accordance with the schedule. They coordinated to achieve epidemic prevention, service and safety. Increase the hidden danger investigation, safety inspection, fire self-inspection and quality assessment of each project to ensure that all work is carried out in an orderly manner.


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