
China Tianying Awarded Provincial Governor's Quality Award of Jiangsu

China Tianying Inc. (CNTY) has recently received the Decision of the Provincial Government on Awarding the 2022 Jiangsu Provincial Governor's Quality Award, in which CNTY was awarded Provincial Governor's Quality Award of Jiangsu.

As the highest award in the field of quality in the province established by the People's Government of Jiangsu, the Governor's Quality Award is assessed once a year and is divided into Governor's Quality Award of Jiangsu and Governor's Quality Award Nomination of Jiangsu, with each being granted to no more than 10 entities (including organisations and individuals).

Since its inception, CNTY has attached great importance to the quality of its products, services and operation management. "High quality" was formally incorporated into the spirit of CNTY in 2006; the Excellent Performance Management model was introduced in 2010. Based on decades of operation and implementation, CNTY has pioneered the "5A" quality model of waste management in the whole industrial chain, highlighting the high-quality life-cycle management of MSW from source classification to end disposal.

In 2021, CNTY was once again listed on the Fortune China 500 list, and was selected as one of the Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises 2021 and China Top 50 Environmental Enterprises 2021. It is also a China Environment News certified Environment Responsible Social Enterprise of 2021, and a Ministry of Commerce recognized Key Recycling Enterprise.


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