
Huinan Tianying Urban Services Hosted Waste Classification Knowledge Competition

Recently, Huinan Tianying Urban Services Company held a waste classification knowledge competition. Yu Hao, director of Huinan County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, and members of Huinan Tianying's management team attended the competition.

The 14 teams came from the 13 workstations and offices of the project company. Each team had three players, and the teams were drawn by lot to form three preliminary round groups. The top two teams in each group were qualified to enter the final. In the final round, there were three compulsory questions for each player, fifteen quiz questions and one risk question. After two rounds of fierce competition, the first, second and third places were finally decided. Director Yu Hao together with the company leaders awarded the winning teams with honorary certificates and prizes.

In order to organise this waste classification knowledge competition, the event organisers collected more than 200 questions on waste classification and sanitation-related knowledge and then distributed them to all staff, asking them to study and actively participate in the competition. This event effectively stimulated the learning enthusiasm of all staff, which not only enabled them to further grasp the knowledge of waste classification and improve their business ability, but also promoted the development of the company culture of a learning organization.


Contestants answering questions

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