
China Tianying's 3.1MW Rooftop Distributed PV Project Successfully Connected to the Grid

At 12: 08 p.m. on June 30, 2022, the 3.1MW rooftop distributed photovoltaic project of China Tianying Headquarters Park was successfully connected to the grid. The project mainly utilizes 26,000 square meters of unused rooftop of the headquarters campus to generate electricity by laying monocrystalline 550Wp photovoltaic panels, with an estimated annual power generation of 3,259,500 kWh, which is equivalent to saving 1,271 tons of standard coal and reducing 3,249 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Under the "environmental protection + new energy" dual-engine strategy, CNTY continues to boost the growth of new energy businesses such as gravity energy storage, large-scale ground-mounted photovoltaic power plants, distributed photovoltaic and wind power. The project is the first distributed photovoltaic project in CNTY’s new energy segment to be successfully connected to the grid, and the project was designed, procured, constructed and operated by the new energy team of the company. With the commencement of the construction of the Rudong gravity energy storage project and the grid connection of the 12MW distributed PV project in Heze Zhongpu Logistics Park, the scale of CNTY's new energy business will continue to expand and become an important strategic cornerstone to support the company's new round of development.


Rooftop distributed photovoltaic project at China Tianying HQ campus


Photo of the main project team members 

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