
Jiangu Tianying Recycling in Siyang | “Three-level system” Plus “two networks integration” to Achieve Full Coverage of Resource Recycling

In recent years, Jiangsu Tianying Resource Recycling follows the trend of “Internet+” of recycling resources, actively promotes business transformation and upgrading, builds a “two-network integration” system of waste classification and resource recovery in Siyang County, Jiangsu Province, and creates a three-level network of resource recovery points, stations and centers. Based on the multi-functional intelligent supervisory platform, the company effectively improves the output rate and recycling rate of renewable resources through standardized operation and multi-linkage integration management. Siyang County “two network integration” innovation was included in the reform and innovation projects supported by the Provincial Department of Housing and Construction in 2021.

Building three-level recycling system to achieve source control of recyclables

The first is to set up points to achieve source control of recyclables in the communities; 28 environmental protection recycling rooms have been successfully launched, and the recycling policy of “one high and one low”(the recycling price is higher than the market price and the exchange price is lower than the market price) for credits and cash has been implemented. In 2021, the company built 7 recycling stations in Siyang and signed agreements with neighboring stores, forming a 1.5 km service circle of “two networks integration” to achieve full collection. The company has built a new sorting center with the functions of processing and dismantling, packing and crushing, and used “Internet+” to build a data analysis platform for real-time analysis of sorting types and weight.

Implementing a traceability system to realize supervision of the whole recycling chain

On the one hand, we take waste sorting points (rooms ), recycling stations and sorting centers as carriers, and rely on the intelligent supervision platform to trace the sources, quantities and categories of recyclables. On the other hand, we strengthen the tracking of renewable resources, through the intelligent supervision platform to understand the destination of renewable resources in a timely manner, effectively promote the integration of resources in the field of “two networks”, builidng Siyang into a recycling collection and distribution center, forming a unified invoicing, standardized operation layout.

With the support of “Interim Measures for Subsidizing Low-Value Recyclables in Siyang County” and other related policies, the AI+ unmanned supervision and classification recycling model created by Jiangsu Tianying Recycling covers nearly 78,000 households, achieving full coverage of renewable resources recycling in urban areas of Siyang.

Constructing assessment and incentive system to realize mass participation

The first is to encourage residents to actively participate in resource recycling and improve the quality and efficiency of classification by giving credits, paying cash etc; the second is to take “credit commitment + contract management” as the carrier, and sign contracts with institutions, enterprises and institutions and individual stores. Through the data analysis of the intelligent supervision platform, the assessment and evaluation will be carried out on a monthly basis, and the results will be incorporated into the credit system for reward and punishment management.

In order to further enhance the effectiveness of the “two networks integration” system, Jiangsu Tianying Recycling is now building a three-level publicity system including district publicity points, renewable resources recycling stations and sorting centers under the guidance of Siyang County Government, and plans to add 6 new renewable resources recycling stations by the end of 2022, and gradually extend to towns (streets) to truly form a county-wide coverage of renewable resources recycling.



Waste classification centers in Siyang

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