
Spirit of Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge Sanitation Workers under Scorching Heat

After the Dragon Boat Festival, Wuhan ushered in scorching summer heat, with the average outdoor temperature reaching 35°C during the afternoon. Wuhan Xingying is responsible for the cleaning work of three major bridges of the city, which are completely exposed to the sunlight without shade or structures, and the maximum temperature on the surface of the bridges can reach 40℃ during the day. However, sanitation workers of Xingying stayed at their posts to ensure the bridges were clean at all times.

Part of Wuhan's Third Ring Line, Wuhan Tianxingzhou Bridge has frequent traffic of large trucks and often sees dirt and gravel scattered on the bridge surface. Once this happens, the sanitation workers would first sweep up the gravel, then wash up the surface using a washing truck and finally load the mud onto a pick-up. Even in hot weather, the sanitation workers will clean up the bridge in a timely manner, ensuring that no congestion or road accidents are caused.

The temperatures are expected to continue rising in the coming July and August. To prevent workers from heat stroke and other work-related accidents, Wuhan Xingying will increase the number of shifts and provide sanitation workers with adequate heatstroke prevention facilities and cooling items so that they can stay cool in hot weather.


Removing fallen items from road surfaces


Cleaning tools

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