
China Tianying Held 2022 Annual Production Safety Conference

On February 15, the 2022 Annual Production Safety Conference of China Tianying was held at the headquarters in Hai'an. 225 people, including senior management, relevant persons in the Risk Control Department, all members of the Safety Management Committee, and the persons in charge of safety management, attended the conference. The meeting was chaired by Cao Yungui, deputy director of CNTY Safety Management Committee. Cao Debiao, CEO of CNTY and director of CNTY Safety Management Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

After hearing reports on the Summary of Safety Management in 2021 and Key Safety Initiatives in 2022, and learning about the 2021 version of the Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Industrial Enterprise Safety Production Risk Report, Cao Debiao said that this meeting was held to better summarize the safety work in 2021 and deploy the safety work of 2022. The production safety of CNTY should be based on a new starting point and a clear new goal to help push the work to a higher level.

Cao Debiao put forward three requirements for the safety work in 2022. Firstly, study and implement the new law and related laws and regulations, and clarify the responsibilities of production safety. Secondly, conscientiously perform the duties of production safety to ensure the achievement of the annual safety target. Thirdly, pay close attention to the key safety work in 2022, as follows: all departments and companies should link the safety assessment with the performance assessment, strengthen the safety assessment and safety responsibilities at all levels; all departments and companies should build upon the achievements made in the three-year safety campaign, and keep up the good work

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