
Hai’an Tianying Receives Four Government Honours

In February 2022, Hai’an Tianying Rural Environmental Services Co., Ltd. was awarded the title of "Pioneer Enterprise of High Quality Development of Service Industry in 2021", "Advanced Company of Serving Economic and Social Development in 2021", "Advanced Company of Improving the Environment in 2021" and "Advanced Group of Straw Resource Recovery in 2021" by the local government.

These honors are a high recognition of Hai’an Tianying's achievements in the past year. Looking back, under the guidance of the Party committees and governments at all levels and the strong support and assistance from the headquarters, Hai’an Tianying has, through continuous exploration and improvement, significantly improved its overall management efficiency, continuously improved its environmental management methods, optimized its environmental sanitation publicity, improved its assessment system and standard system in all aspects.

These achievements are inseparable from the united endeavor of all the staff of the company and their perseverance in overcoming difficulties together. The people of Hai’an Tianying will take this opportunity to concentrate their efforts and work hard, and continue to write a new chapter of rural sanitation in 2022 with passion!


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