
Jianghai child reporters press corps visit Hai'an MSW incineration power generation project

    On the morning of Sep 24, 2016, there are 30 child reporters from Hai’an country Southern Experimental Primary School who come and visit Hai'an MSW incineration power generation project. 

    The child reporters and their parents were warmly received by Liao Yimei, the manager of comprehensive administration department in Hai'an Tianying. She showed them around and visit the propaganda exhibition hall, patiently and carefully introduced about what is municipal waste, what is the harm produced from municipal waste, how to make waste classification, simple process of waste to energy etc. During a series of interesting and interactive games, she aroused the curiosity of the child reporters. Then, the child reporters came to watch the central control room at 2nd floor and the crane control room at the 5th floor. In the crane control room, when the child reporters observe the waste was lifting by the two crane grapples through the glass window, they were been attracted to the scene and unwilling to leave.  

    Hai'an Tianying will keep strengthening the construction of environmental protection popular science education demonstration base, for quite some time actively receive all the visitors from communities, schools and social organizations, and vigorously promote the awareness of environmental protection and  green environmental concept, practice social responsibility. It has been highly appreciated by people from all the levels of public. 


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