
The theme training of "talks about Europe"

      On the afternoon of August 12, 2016, Mr. Herman from EUTY conducted the theme training of “talks about Europe” at Conference Hall 306 of headquarter, the training was highly anticipated by the staff which includes the multi communications of Chinese and Western culture and technology. 


    Mr. Herman shared his experience of language study, also encourages the audience to "Speak English", he is also making an effort to learn English, we should dare to talk in English, he used some simple English interactions with them to active the scene atmosphere;

    Then Herman gave the explanation of European civilization development history, let the participants have more understanding on the rich and complex culture of European civilization. 

    At the training sessions, many colleagues asked more interested questions about the difference of waste treatment between China and Europe, also at the aspect of European living habits and customs, Schengen Visa etc. The replies of Mr. Herman are humorous and relaxed; it earned rounds of enthusiastic applause. 

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