
[Rudong Tianying] 2012 International Youth Climate Leadership Summit delegates visited

        In August 2012, the International Youth Leadership Summit on climate change to be held in Rudong, 75 students from 17 countries gathered in Rudong, on a low carbon future. The summit is co sponsored by the national development and Reform Commission climate division and the international youth female leadership organization, aims to promote the international climate change communication, strengthen international youth leadership development. In August 16th, 75 young students came to Rudong Tianying Environmental Energy Limited, to visit and study the waste incineration process, understand the waste incineration power benefits for the social environment.

        During a visit to Rudong Tianying in the process, the young students to the extremely strong interest in waste incineration power generation, to ask Rudong Tianying staff, with the new knowledge under the notes you have learned. "Although the delegates from five continents, social, economic, and cultural background of each are not identical, but we love the environment it is so consistent." The scene interviewed International Youth said, "I learned a lot in the garbage power plant, I saw he had never imagined scenes, very creative, we will actively try to pass on the concept of environmental protection".

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