
[NTTL] Nantong Tianlan passed through the safety evaluation by Provincial Work Safety

        At the morning of 16 Nov, experts of Nantong Municipal Bureau of work safety entrusted by the Jiangsu Provincial Work Safety Supervision Bureau to conduct a safety evaluation on NTTL company. This evaluation checked three parts of basic management, facilities and working environment according to the Basic Standard of "safety production standardization"
         According to the document requirements issued by the National Development (2010) and 23 (2011), the company the safety production standardization activities team leading by general manager, promote, implement standardization activities and other related work. The company actual situation combined with the activities of the standardization construction of safety in production, the safety standardization system and the relevant training.
        Meanwhile the company also formulated the "safety inspection system", launched regular activities of safety standards construction, through intensive security check, rectified hidden perils one by one of workshop, confirmed responsibility department, gave the deadline of implement the rectification. And on the workshop rectification progress, informed the company on a weekly safety meetings.
         Through the concerted efforts of the company, NTTL Company passed through t level III certification in machinery industry at a high score of 75.48 points.

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