
The founding conference of Jiangsu TY Environmental Protection Energy Co., Ltd Communist

        In the morning of 8 Dec 2012, the CPC founding conference of Jiangsu TY Environmental Protection Energy Co., Ltd convened grandly in the hall of 2nd floor of TY group staff center.
         The conference is chaired by Comrade Liu Lanying; the meeting began with the exciting National Anthem.
Gu Guobiao, (member of Hai’an Standing Committee, Ministers of the Organization Dept), Zhang Yaxi (member of Standing Committee, Party committee secretary of Hai’an high-tech Zone), Lu Rongxiang (deputy Party committee secretary of Hai’an high-tech zone and vice chairman of Administrative Committee) etc participated and addressed. Company chairman Yan Shengjun made an important speech.
         Gu Guobiao, (member of Hai’an Standing Committee, Ministers of the Organization Dept) pointed out in his speech, at the important moment of studying the tenth Congress spirit; it’s a happy event that the CPC was founded in C. We should conscientiously set up the Party committee in accordance with the regulations of the party election and the relevant requirements, adhere to the democratic centralism the principles, and actively promote inner-Party democracy, the election of a charismatic, to elect a fighting collective leadership.
         Through the democratic elections, the meeting produced the Party committee members and the Commission for Discipline Inspection Committee members of the first term CPC of Jiangsu Tianying. The first members of the Party committee: Cao Debiao, Liu Lanying, Ren Dacheng, Lu Ping, Chen Zhu, Ding Kunmin, Song Changguang, Cao Debiao was elected as the secretary of the Party committee, Liu Lanying was elected as the Deputy Secretary of the Party committee; the first Commission for Discipline Inspection Committee: Ren Dacheng, Li Aijun, Cao Yungui, Li Jun, Gu Lingyun, Ren Da Cheng was elected as the secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Li Aijun was elected as the Deputy Secretary of discipline inspection commission.
         After the election, Comrade Cao Debiao, the newly elected secretary of the Party committee on behalf of the elected committee made a statement. He said, the newly elected committees should enhance the sense of responsibility and sense of mission, cooperate together with absolute sincerity, to emancipate the mind, pioneering and innovative. Be observant and honest to work around the company strategic objective, to create a new situation of company development; further establish and improve the grass-roots party organizations, and give full play to Party members of the vanguard and exemplary role, relying on the entire staffs, and fully mobilize the cadres and the masses of the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, inspire employees love factory dedicated enthusiasm, improve the general Party member masses of the cohesion and combat effectiveness; continue to shape the corporate culture, to carry forward the spirit of enterprise, strengthening the construction of spiritual civilization to promote the healthy, coordinated development of enterprises.
         At the closing ceremony, company chairman Yan Shengjun gave four wishes on how to do well the work of Party construction: first is to enhance the quality of TY leaders. Party members should strengthen their own construction, through various forms in the work, take the lead in learning new knowledge, new theory, new skills, and continually enhance the party's own quality, promote all TY staffs quality, lay the foundation for creating a learning, innovative, efficient organization. Second is the shape of TY culture, shall use various forms of love to see and hear, and vigorously promote the new energy environmental protection company ", green new life" mission, "to become the leading enterprises" environmental protection and renewable energy industry, take a better vision and "Win-win co-operation will be the real winners instead of the individual winner." concept. Effective ideological and political work among employees, advocate of modern civilization, the healthy spirit, business philosophy to the scientific and rational enterprise behavior norms, mutual respect and mutual assistance enterprise fashion, so as to make the enterprise culture with the times, advanced features, creating the atmosphere continuously to develop Tianying Company. Third is to do act as the people who care with Tianying staffs, stand in the objective, fair, legitimate position to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both enterprises and employees, coordinate the country, shareholders, managers and employees interests, leading to worry for employees, problem solving, real let Party organizations do enterprises need, shareholders of the trust, support, staff members welcome. Fourth is taking the initiative at Tianying science development around the strategic goal made by the board of directors and standing on solid ground. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all Party members, for the development of enterprise burden, do solid work, when the staff, a strong. Enterprises meet urgent, difficult, dangerous, heavy task, the Communist Party should take the initiative to stand up and take the leading efforts to complete the task, to make the party committee become the leading team to recognize the fast, health, sustainable development.
         Finally, the conference closed successfully in the majestic song of the Internationale.

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