
[BINZHOU TY] Binzhou project launching piling ceremony

        As the project passed through EIS, examination and completed of relevant formalities. 21 Nov 2012, pile driver entered into the construction site of Binzhou MSW incineration power plant after a series of bidding procedures.
         Jia Xuegang, director of Binzhou municipal administrative law enforcement bureau, Gong Xiangmin (deputy director) and Liu Zhenhai (deputy division chief) with other leaders came to the site, attended the ribbon cutting ceremony of first root pile piling. There are Pile machine standing in the ground with pile and pile shoulder. At 9:58am the first root piles were driven into the ground while firecrackers exploding. So far, the Binzhou project has a major step forward; we will continue to make our efforts to realize the target to combine the power with Grid at the end of Apr 2014.

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