
Wang Shiquan, vice-president of City University of Hong Kong, and his fellows presented

          In the morning of 20 Jun, Wang Shiquan, vice-president of City University of Hong Kong, and his fellows visited our company for guidance.
         City University of Hong Kong was founded in 1984, listed in the first batch of national key university admission list. It was 12th of QS Asia University ranking in 2013 annual; City University of Hong Kong performs comprehensive communication and cooperation, has built the relationship with 24 countries and regions around 210 partners, achievements have been gained international recognition.


        Company president Yan Shengjun accompanied Wang Shiquan to visit Hai'an waste incineration power generation project and Jiangsu Tianying environmental protection industrial park, and held a meeting in the company conference room, deputy magistrate Lu Zhongping, the people's Government of Hai'an County attended the forum.
         Mr. Wang gave a high evaluation for power generation project in Hai’an MSW incineration operation and management level, exhorted his colleagues to bring back and share the news with HK people, also said that he would actively promote the cooperation and communication between the university and Hai’an government with TY Company, boost the development of Hai’an economy and Tianying Company.

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