
CNTY Sand Table Business Simulation Training Successfully Concluded

From May to July 2024, CNTY held three sand table business simulation training sessions in Hai'an, Shanghai and Liaoyuan, respectively, aiming to enhance the systematic business management thinking and methodologies of its middle and senior managers. Professor Xu Xiaodong from the School of Management at Fudan University, also a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, was invited to share on the topic Management Wisdom and Climbing Organization. The training was attended by CNTY Chairman Yan Shengjun, CEO Cao Debiao, along with other middle and senior managers and core technical personnel, amounting to over 120 persons, who gained deeper insights into the practice of management in these real-life simulations.

During two days of intense "market competition", participants formed management teams of six virtual companies, and "faced" opportunities and challenges resembling the real business world in 12 simulated business cycles. With a close eye on the market dynamics and competitors, they analyzed market demands and supply-demand changes, formulated business goals and budgets, monitored cash flows, and implemented business strategies... all in pursuit of the virtue business goals!

Lecturer Zhang Lingyan led participants through immersive sand table business simulation exercises in these two days, to build up systematic business visions and master business and financial management methodologies and tools step by step.

"Reality is far more complex than simulations". Participants gained a deeper understanding of the complexity and volatility of the business world and the importance of coordination between effective business decision-making and management implementation. They learned to better put things into perspectives by understanding the business and finance, reflecting on management practices, strengthening teams, and delivering results, to continuously boost management quality and decision-making efficiency, and forge stronger organizational capabilities and synergies.

"Who am I? Where am I going? How do I get there?" "Mistake is the best teacher" "Is making money a matter of luck or chance?" "The market at the moment is the best ever" "Financial statements are a joint result of business decisions and implementations across an organization!" "Financial language is a global business language"... Lecturers made insightful illustrations, inspiring active conversations with the participants; Chairman and CEO made profound comments, providing valuable references. This is also reflective of the resilience of CNTY's management team that can go further and better by positively facing and adapting to changes.

With the successful conclusion of the training, the participants shared their learning insights combined with their real-life work. Many highlighted that this training made them realize the difficulty of business operation and the importance of holistic thinking, while enhancing their systematic management views, polishing their skills in financial management tools, and deepening their understanding in business planning and goals. Moving forward, they will devote themselves to work with more global perspectives, better methods and greater passion, to jointly boost CNTY's high-quality development into a new stage!




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