
Jvnan Yingneng Conducted Confined-Space Emergency Drill

This June marks the 23rd National Workplace Safety Month, with the theme of "Everyone Cherishes Safety and Prepares for Emergencies - Clearing the Vital Access". To facilitate the implementation of emergency measures, enhance its organizational capability to respond to workplace safety accidents and emergencies, and train its employees to handle emergencies correctly, accurately, and quickly, Jvnan Yingneng organized a confined-space emergency drill across its departments. General Manager Gao Jun acted as the commander-in-chief, and Deputy General Manager Bai Hongliang as the deputy commander-in-chief.

The drill kicked off at 8:50 a.m. on June 18th. It simulated a scene in which Operator Wang suddenly fainted and fell to the ground during a leachate ditch operation, requiring an emergency rescue for the confined-space poisoning and asphyxiation accident. After the "accident" occurred, Jvnan Yingneng activated its emergency response immediately and reported the situation hierarchically in accordance with the process. Soon after, the alert and evacuation team, the emergency rescue team, and the logistical support team arrived at the scene, and completed the drill orderly with clear division of work and close cooperation among them.

Following the philosophy of "active prevention and effective response" and the theme of this year's Workplace Safety Month, the drill effectively tested the validity, practicability and operability of emergency response plans for confined-space accidents, and enhanced people's awareness of collaboration, providing strong safeguards for strengthening the safety management and boosting workplace safety of the company.


Emergency drill

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